Different items may suit certain teachers and various classrooms, so below is a list (which I will update from time to time) as to the technologies I have found.
Personal Favorites
Socrative (Socrative.com & garden.socrative.com) A flexible student quiz/clicker
Desmos (Desmos.com & teacher.desmos.com) A well developed Maths teaching site with graphic calculator and range of activities.
Kahoot (Kahoot.it & create.kahoot.it) A fun, simple student quizzer with many public, pre-made quizzes
Geogebra (Geogebra.com) A plain foundation for developing a range of mathematical forms
Math is fun (Mathisfun.com) A straightforward description of a range of maths content
Khan Academy (KhanAcademy.com) A maths curriculum to support student learning.
Nrich (http://nrich.maths.org/) A great resource for enriched topics for maths.
Illuminations from NCTM (illuminations.nctm.org/) A source of interactive activities for a range of mathematics topics.
Maths Twitter and Blog-o-sphere #MTBOS (mathtwitterblogosphere.weebly.com)
Nrich (http://nrich.maths.org/) A great resource for enriched topics for maths.
Illuminations from NCTM (illuminations.nctm.org/) A source of interactive activities for a range of mathematics topics.
Maths Twitter and Blog-o-sphere #MTBOS (mathtwitterblogosphere.weebly.com)
Specific Resources
Algebra & Numbers
Visual Patterns (www.visualpatterns.org) An attractive list of patterns for students to investigate.
INSPIRograph (http://nathanfriend.io/inspirograph/) an attractive spirograph to investigate ratios.
INSPIRograph (http://nathanfriend.io/inspirograph/) an attractive spirograph to investigate ratios.
Statistics & Probablity
Gap Minder (GapMinder.org) Access to UN data to investigate real world statistics & relations with a powerful graphing tool to make it approachable.
Plotly (plot.ly) is an attractive, free graphing website, enabling rich graphs to be shared or embedded
Atlas (https://atlas.qz.com/) list of interesting and well created graphs, each likely to start thought provoking conversations.
Spurious Correlations (http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations) Interesting collection of graphs showing correlation between diverse situations (eg Cheese Consumption & Deaths from bed sheets)
Plotly (plot.ly) is an attractive, free graphing website, enabling rich graphs to be shared or embedded
Atlas (https://atlas.qz.com/) list of interesting and well created graphs, each likely to start thought provoking conversations.
Spurious Correlations (http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations) Interesting collection of graphs showing correlation between diverse situations (eg Cheese Consumption & Deaths from bed sheets)
Geometry Exploratorium (http://www.exploratorium.edu/geometryplayground/resources.php)
Angle Chase (https://www.dropbox.com/s/sd0vesek3tpq9zw/angle%20chase.pdf?dl=0)
Angle Chase (https://www.dropbox.com/s/sd0vesek3tpq9zw/angle%20chase.pdf?dl=0)
Other References
http://schools.amsi.org.au/teacher-modules-resources/ (Dry but thorough breakdown of relevant maths topics)
http://schools.amsi.org.au/teacher-modules-resources/ (Dry but thorough breakdown of relevant maths topics)
https://edshelf.com/ (listing of teaching resources using a clever interface with reviews)
https://www.thinglink.com/ (for making picture more interactive)
http://solvemymaths.com/ (Interesting maths problems by @solvemymaths)
Maths with Pizzazz (old but good book of math worksheets for lower secondary)
http://solvemymaths.com/ (Interesting maths problems by @solvemymaths)
Maths with Pizzazz (old but good book of math worksheets for lower secondary)
http://www.yummymath.com/ (Interesting summary of problems related to maths topics)
https://brilliant.org/ (Great extension site for higher order maths, physics and computer science questions and discussions)
https://brilliant.org/ (Great extension site for higher order maths, physics and computer science questions and discussions)
https://www.graphite.org (Community for sharing teaching resources, with thorough reviews and a selection of 'lesson flow' to describe how various resources and combined and used together)
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